Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)

What Is Adjusted Gross Income?

Adjusted gross income (AGI) is one figure used in the calculation of income tax liability. It is determined by subtracting allowable adjustments from gross income.

Adjusted Gross Income Calculator

Your adjusted gross income is your total income, or gross, minus any eligible deductions. To find your AGI, add all forms of income together, then tax and subtract deductions from that amount. Your AGI can be zero or even negative.

Use an AGI calculator to see eligible deductions and help you figure out your Adjusted Gross Income.

Adjusted Gross Income Example

Examples of forms of income include wages, salaries, tips, dividends, interest, capital gains, business income, retirement distributions, social security benefits, pensions, annuities, and more. Examples of deductions you can make from your gross income to get your AGI include contributions to retirement accounts, student loan interest, moving expenses, and alimony payments.

Wealthspire Advisors is a registered investment adviser and subsidiary company of NFP Corp.

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