

Annualized Rate of Return

What is Annualized Rate of Return? Annualized rate of return is the average annual return over a period of years, ...

Bear/Bull Market

What is a Bear or Bull Market? A bear market is a prolonged period of falling stock prices, usually marked ...

Basis Points (BPS)

What is a Basis Point? A basis point represents one gradation on a 100-point scale representing 1%. This term is ...

Asset Allocation

What is Asset Allocation? Asset allocation is the process of dividing investments among cash, equities (ex. U.S. Large Cap, International), ...


What is Appreciation? Appreciation means that the value of a financial asset increases over time. This increase occurs for many ...

Alternative Investments

What Are Alternative Investments? Alternative investments indicate assets that aren’t considered “conventional” investment types, like stocks, bonds, and cash. Alternative ...



What Is Inflation? Inflation is an increase in the average price of goods or services in an economy. Each month, ...

markets in 2 minutes

Markets in 2 Minutes – December 2021

It’s been a great year for earnings, but let’s not forget that stocks can be volatile. In this month’s edition ...

markets in 2 minutes november 2021

Markets in 2 Minutes – November 2021

“Stuff over experience” – in this month’s edition of Markets in 2 Minutes, Dmitriy Katsnelson of our investment team provides ...

dow 36000

Dow 36,000 Revisited

On October 1, 1999, in the midst of the tech stock mania of that era, James K. Glassman and Kevin ...